Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Coversations with Three Year Olds

So, I work as a Nanny (when I am not busy moonlighting as a famous actress and playwright) and I am lucky enough to take care of three year old twins. Why lucky, you ask? Because they are comedy GOLD!

So welcome to the first instalment of “Conversations with Three Year Olds!”
*For privacy purposes the twins will be referred to as Thing 1 and Thing 2 from here on out.

At the bus stop, on the way home from Pre-School

Me: What did you do at school today?

Thing 1: Played!

Me: What did you play?

Thing 1: *unintelligible word that might have been mouseribgloopwagonfy*

Me: ... Oh yeah? And how do you play mouserigerfy...

Thing 1: It’s orange!

Thing 2: No! It’s purple!

Thing 1: GREEN!

Both (In perfect unison, like creepy twins from a horror movie): It’s green!


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