About Me

Hallo! You've stumbled across my blog! Go you!

So, some things you should know...

My name is Sasha, I am 25 years old, and I'm single *wink*

I work as a nanny(three girls, a five year old and three year old twins) and a glorified photocopier, aka, an office assistant! (At my kids fathers law firm. They cannot escape me! MUAHAHAHAHA!

In my free time I'm an actress and playwright! Sometimes I even get paid for it (okay, not that often anymore, but still!) Community Theater is my secret not so secret addiction.

I grew up in Hawaii with my parents and my little brother. Little Brother (or monkey, or chicken boy, or sometimes even David) will often be the subject of this blog. Whether he wants to be or not! MUAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!

Inside these hallowed, or at least hollow, pages, you'll find theater stories, funny kidbits (those are kid tidbits, for those not 'in the know') my many adventures in online dating (whee!) and other bits and bats that I think are interesting, or at least mildly amusing :)


Here, have some pictures!

And YES, that last picture IS of me and the cast of The Sound of Music with President Barack Obama
You're welcome :)