Friday, December 16, 2011

OOOoooh it's been a long been a long been a long, been a long coupla weeks!!

Sorry for the radio silence! (Did anyone notice? Does anyone but me read this? Hello ello ello ello ellooooooo......)

Anyway, I had a show open last week, which means my life has not been my own. Why then didn't I post after the show had opened you ask? Uh........ LOOK! SOMETHING SHINY! *throws glitter and runs*

Anyway, I'm back! Aren't you just overcome with glee? And I've brought more Conversations with Three Year Olds! And Vader Blog!

Soon I'll have a long, hopefully funny, and informative post for you on the joys of community theater.


In a Parking Lot

Thing 1: Oh, I remember! You have boobies! Can I open them? *Pulls on neck of shirt till shame is exposed to the whole wide world*

Me: Not here sweatpea... *tucks shame away again*

Thing 1: Mummy has boobies too, but hers go squash! *proceeds to try to turn them into one gigantic super boob*

Me: Okay kiddo... *Puts her down*

Thing 1: Look! More boobies! *Grabs flab. Squishes*

Me: Sigh.......

And now, to explain the following interaction, I must introduce you to The Cat in the Hat, also knows as the twins five year old sister. Lovely child, if mellow dramatic... She will be henceforth known as Cat, for simplicity.

At the Park

Thing 2: I'm Cinderella!

Cat: I'm Rapunzel!

Thing 1: I'm Tunaman!

Cat: Tunaman! That's stupid Thing 1. Be the Prince!

Me: Cat! Don't call you sister stupid. Thing 1, are you a superhero?

Thing 1: Yes! I have madbee power!

Me: Madbee power?

Thing 1: Yes, I can turn him into a castle. With polkadots.


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