My room smells like pancakes.
Now, this is odd for several reasons, the main one being that I haven’t eaten pancakes in... Three years? Four? Certainly not since I lived in this room, or even in this country. So the odds of there being pancakes hidden under the depths of my bed are slim. There are certainly other things down there, unspeakable, possibly sentient things. But pancakes? Probably not. I’ve heard of phantom odours, but is syrup usually one of them?
I keep expecting a giant pancake monster to come crashing out of my closet. He’ll probably wait till I’m sleeping, then smother me in sticky goodness. I suppose there are worse ways to go.
Picture this guy, except made out of pancakes, and probably wearing a fez
On an unrelated topic, I had a very existential experience this afternoon. Even more existential than phantom hot cakes. I had just been outside in my socks, mostly because I was too lazy to put on shoes just to go out to the car, which normally wouldn’t have been a problem but today was bloody FREEZING! Anyway, I had just come in, and I glanced down at my stockinged feet, and for about half a second I could have sworn they were on backwards. Like, my toes were pointing the wrong way.
This would take some serious Mojo. Believe me.
I actually had to stop and stare at them to reconcile it in my mind. They weren’t backwards, obviously, but I was legitimately scared! Who knows what sort of power it would take to literally reverse my feet. I could easily have been dealing with some kind of super villain. Or neutrinos. I have no idea how those work, but if they could potentially break the speed of light then I bet they could easily have re-arranged my feet. Scary stuff.
Anyway, my boss is having another baby in January, so we’ve been talking a lot about genetics, and whether it would be a good thing or a bad thing to be able to alter your childs appearance in utero.
Now, I have no idea how far away we are from this, but I know I’ve heard someone, somewhere, talking about doing this, at least in theory. Like, going in and choosing if your child will have blue eyes or green, be tall or short, have blonde hair or a mullet. That sort of thing .
I don’t really know how I feel about it.
On one hand, it could lead to the barbification of the human race. Before you know it everyone has double D boobs and Kiera Knightly duck face. Which would be terrifying.
On the other hand, it could save the world from families that look like this:
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